Thursday, May 10, 2012

Alternative Beauty?

In preparation for my upcoming 18-hour PAT, I researched alternative beauty, and discovered an amazing number of subcultures, and people who live them every day.

According to Wikipedia, 

"Alternative fashion is an umbrella term encompassing a plethora of styles that have one major thing in common - they, at least at one time, stood apart from mainstream commercial fashion. The term has long been associated with the fashions of specific subcultures (e.g.: emo, scene, Goth subculture, Hip hop, industrial, Cyberpunk, etc.), however it is not limited to this application. In general alternative, or 'alt,' fashion does not conform to style trends of the times that have widespread popularity.” 

And I quite like that definition, because it was the first one I found that had no hint of pretense or arrogance in it, an attitude I find commonly accompanies those who apply alternative fashion.

Some helpful and interesting alternative blogs I found:

Alternative fashion generally lays down a challenge to accepted norms, and is often intentionally adopted to display a break from the beliefs of popular culture.
I like that.

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