Monday, June 25, 2012

So what am I actually doing?

Preliminary alternative prototype
An issue that's affected me a lot personally since the realisation of my identity is the issue of conformity, not just applied to beauty, but to every aspect of a teenager's life. Music, school work, literature, general behaviour, I find myself in the frame of mind rather than the forced behavioural pattern of nonconformity.

So after thinking about what I actually want to do for my final art project, I decided, with inspiration from my friends, school, and other places, to film a documentary delving into the mindset of beauty only being a form of conformity.
In Layman's terms, it's the idea that I find prevelant among teenage girls that you have to look like everyone else in order to look beautiful.

So this is the line-up:

1) I've filmed some interviews with people whose opinions I find interesting, intelligent or relevant to this project

2) This week I am in process of dressing and changing my appearance to be as socially divergant and alternative as possible. While in this process, I will be filming people's reactions and conducting a series of 'vox pops' (word-on-the-street interviews)

3) The following week I will be dressing and changing my appearance to the opposite - conformist beauty applicable to my age and social group to the extreme. I will be following embarassing trends and trying to 'fit in with the people'. I will also film reactions at this time.

4) Finally, all these components will be combined into the final product of a video documentary.

Wish me luck!

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